Ivan Iliev


Three cornerstones comprise the primary characteristics of my artistic work: the care for detail, the love of nature and my affinity for late Renaissance and Baroque painting.

I’m finding the subjects of my paintings around me. Anyway, the plants that have always fascinated me, are not only nature forms – perfect by design, but like any creation in the real world, also equivalent with the message of growing and withering; the flowing time. I like to think about all that; it can be found as a main theme in my works and the Still life Painting is a fine way to tell intriguing stories. Many great artists have done it in an incredible manner; trying to understand what they were after I hope to find my own one.


Ivan Iliev
Artist graduated in painting and graphic
Born in Burgas, Bulgaria
Study at the academy of arts in Sofia.
Since 1990
Free-lance artist in Vienna
Numerous group and single exhibitions,

Among others:
Palais Wittgenstein.

Festsaal TU Vienna.

BAWAG Fondation.

Mödling's Sala Terena.

Wiener Neustadt's Stadtmuseum.

Istanbul: Gallery Barkac.

Sofia: art in the public area.

Wiener Neudorf's Altes Rathaus.

Gallery Prisma Vienna.

Gallery Avatar Vienna.

Silver Award Winner of the "ShowArtist"

Emerging Artist Discovery Prize Art Competition 2012.

3rd prize at the

"2013 International Art Contest" , Australia.

Affinita e Contrasti 4 -San Dona di Piave Venezia 2013,

Paralax Art Fair at Chelsea Town Hall London 2013.

Dreams CA 'ZANARDI Venezia.

Expo Bologna 2014 Galleria Wikiarte.

Artistic Confessions Hamburg 2014.

Winner Artist at ARTPROTAONIST 2014 Treviso.

Winner Artist at ARTPROTAONIST 2015 Villa Contarini.

Wrap World WebArt Prize, Cremona2015-Attestato di merito.

Tra Pitura e Sculptura Cremona 2015.

La Natura non e morta, Chi Art Gallery Milano 2015.

6 x 6, Gallery All’Angolo Mendrisio Shwitzerland 2015.

Art Expo April Rome Galleria Domus Romana 2016.

PALATINA, A Cura di Accorsi Arte, CORONARI 111 Art Gallery Roma 2016,11 Art Gallery

CCBA Milano Art Contest 2016.2

Pasqua in Arte-ARTime Gallery Udine 2017,

Wasserwelten-der Kunstraum Gallery Wien 2017.