Stefano Barattini Born in Milano 1958 jan 4th Studies: architecture at politecnico in Milan I started taking pictures in 1979, when I took up travelling. Since then, in my life, photographs and journeys merged together in an indissoluble bound. I begin my five year cooperation with the magazine Mototurismo in 1990, followed by that with Scooter Magazine, where I published several journey features and some additional articles on the scooter world. After a pause for reflection, at the time when digital era was coming to life I went back to taking pictures taking advantage of the new technologies available. My focus was still on journeys and especially on Africa. Architecture (with a special interest for the rationalist period) and the ever growing suburban spaces, where human presence is, in my shots, absent most of the times, are themes that I cover periodically. I’ve been photographing for about 4 years abandoned places with great interest and satisfaction. These places present a unique charm, resulting from lights and shadows, dust, odors and great silence, and most of all from memories. It is indeed such memories, these traces of the past, that I quest and I capture with my camera, getting lost in the surroundings trying to find the appropriate framing and the right light to best represent them. They are a sort of parallel universe close to us that photography contributes to bringing back to life for an instant. EXIBITIONS: Beyond the factory - 22 images (70x50) about abandoned industrial sites in Lombardia, with a small focus on street art into that places. MILANO - June 19-July 18 at Bookshop Bicocca Franco Angeli CAMPI BISENZIO (FI) - October 30 2016: Experimental day of Photography at Teatro Dante African roads - 5 images (70x50) agout roads and unpaved roads in Africa. ROSSANA Foto Festival (CN) - September 29 October 2 2016 African Portraits - 15 images (35x50) in black and white about people in Tanzania, Namibia, Kenya e Ethiopia. MILANO - January 23-January 19 February 2017 - to Ostello Bello, via Medici 4 Portraits of Dust - 20 images (50x70) about interiors of abandoned villas and palaces in Italy and Europe. MILANO - April 21-May 18 2017 into Milano Photo Festivalat Bookshop Bicocca Franco Angeli Altars - 15 images (70x50) about abandoned church in Italy and Europe. Fratta Polesine (Rovigo) - april 22-May 7 in Polesine Fotografia 2017 Lost Values - 10 images (100x70) about abandoned industrial sites in Europe at the official opening of the industrial pole TNC in Alba (Piemonte). In the Factory are permanent displayed 4 images (200x300) e 3 images (140x200). ALBA - 23 settembre 2017 BOOKS 2015 - Beyond the factory 2017 - Portraits of Dust. Distributed by Hoepli - ISBN: 9786009898060 EVENTS 1° price competition Città di Mortara 2016 - urban exploration theme 1° price portfolio reading into Giornata Sperimentale di fotografia 2016 Code MIA 2017 Mention in portfolio reading - Milano Photo Festival 2017 Porfolio publiched on Domus Magazine 2017 Finalist of the artistic award 2017 by Cairo Editore Special Mention National Photo Contest Mondovì Photo 2017 “Minimal - Less is more”