Finalists expositions in Rome
PREMIO FOMENAR 2016 announces the locations for the finalists’ exhibitions:
From April 1 to April 14, 2017 (including the Easter week) at Arte Borgo gallery in Rome.
The Fomenar prize aspires to be the ideal occasion to compare and crread theate a dialogue between works that are different from each other in style, sentiment and experience. A complex and varied artistic and cultural proposition that combines multiple trends and sets up a web of dialogues between different expressive languages, intended to display the varied expressions of the contemporary. The creators, who were carefully chosen, aim to celebrate stylistic virtuosity and the formal elegance with works that, besides their aesthetic beauty, have the capacity to convey unique expressive qualities… read the full review from Monica Ferrarini - Curator and art critic or download it as PDF file (English), (Deutsch),(Italiano).
The Arte Borgo gallery is located in Rome, in the heart of the Borgo district, a few steps from the Vatican city.
Rich Smukler (first prize 2016):
Nicolas Dehghani (2nd prize 2016)
Finalists' Exhibition
Rich Smukler - First Prize 2016